

Hanna Chetwin is an experimental filmmaker who lives and works on Djaara Country. Her practice draws on photographic, camera-less imaging techniques alongside filmed footage of everyday and environmental minutiae to create rhythmic structural film works, often developed in collaboration with Australian exploratory musicians (recently including Alexander Garsden, Rohan Drape and James Rushford).

Her short films and expanded film works have been included in festivals such as the Melbourne International Film Festival (2015, 2016, 2019), the Milwaukee Underground Film Festival (2015, 2016), the Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film and Music Festival (2015) and the Florida Experimental Film Festival (2015). Her expanded audiovisual work has been performed at Liquid Architecture (2016), the Inland Concert Series (2016, 2017, 2018) and the Astra Concert Series (2018). Her collaborative work with film lab Artist Film Workshop has been exhibited at CCP gallery (2017), screened at the MCA in Sydney, AIEFF and Slopes Gallery, Melbourne (2014). She is an active member of Artist Film Workshop.

For more information on Artist Film Workshop visit

contact: hannachetwin(at)gmail(dot)com

full artist CV